General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

Sonnenberg Health Hotel GmbH (SHH), Sonnenberg 16, 9103 Schwellbrunn


These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) govern the legal relationship between the guest/customer/organizer, hereinafter referred to as the guest, and Sonnenberg Health Hotel GmbH as the operator of Sonnenberg Health Hotels, hereinafter referred to as the hotel. For the sake of simplicity, these GTC always refer to the contract, regardless of the service in question.

The hotel's terms and conditions as valid at the time of conclusion of the contract shall apply exclusively. The guest's general terms and conditions shall only apply if this has been expressly agreed in writing before the contract is signed.
Subject matter of the contract

The contract for the rental of rooms, seminar rooms, areas and the provision of other goods and services shall be deemed to have been concluded upon written confirmation by the guest or by implication. A reservation made on the day of arrival shall be binding upon acceptance by the hotel. Contract amendments shall only be binding upon the hotel if confirmed in writing. Unilateral amendments or additions to the contract by the guest shall be invalid. The subletting and re-letting of the rooms provided, as well as their use for purposes other than accommodation, require the prior written consent of the hotel.

Scope of services

The scope of services under the contract is determined by the individual reservation made and confirmed by the guest. Subject to other contractual agreements, the guest has no right to a specific room.
If, despite a confirmed reservation, no rooms are available at the hotel, the hotel must inform the guest in good time and offer a comparable replacement in a nearby hotel of a comparable or higher category. Any additional expenses for the replacement accommodation shall be borne by the hotel. If the guest refuses the replacement room, the hotel must immediately reimburse the guest for any services already provided (e.g. advance payments). The guest shall not be entitled to any further claims.

Period of use

Unless otherwise agreed, the guest has the right to use the rented rooms from 2 p.m. on the agreed day of arrival until 11 a.m. on the day of departure. In any case, moving into a room is considered a full overnight stay.

If the guest delays vacating the room by 1.5 hours or more, the hotel may charge 50% of the full accommodation rate (list price) for the additional use. This does not establish any contractual claims on the part of the guest to continued use of the rooms; the right to claim damages remains reserved. In the event of the guest leaving the room late, the hotel reserves the right to remove the guest's belongings from the room and to store them in a suitable place in the hotel at the guest's expense.


Option dates are binding for both parties. After the option period has expired without the guest having made use of the option, the hotel may dispose of the rooms/spaces or services in question without further notice. The confirmation must be received by the hotel by 5 p.m. on the last day of the option period at the latest.
Prices / Payment obligation

The prices communicated by the hotel are in Swiss francs (CHF) and include the statutory value added tax, but not the applicable visitor's tax.

The guest is obliged to pay the agreed or applicable hotel prices for the room rental and any other services used. This also applies to orders from his companions and visitors.

Any increase in statutory taxes after the contract has been concluded shall be borne by the guest. Prices in foreign currencies are indicative and will be charged at the current daily exchange rate. The prices confirmed by the hotel shall apply.

The hotel may change the prices if the guest subsequently causes changes to the number of rooms booked, the services provided by the hotel or the length of stay of the guests. The hotel may request a deposit or a credit card guarantee.
If the deposit is not paid or the credit card guarantee is not provided in due time, the hotel may withdraw from the contract (including all service promises) immediately (without a reminder) and demand the listed cancellation costs.
The hotel is entitled to invoice or to issue interim invoices for its services to the guest at any time.

The final invoice shall include the agreed price plus any additional amounts that may have arisen due to additional services provided by the hotel for the guest and/or the persons accompanying him/her. The final invoice shall be paid in Swiss francs in cash or by accepted credit card at the latest on the day of departure, unless otherwise agreed.

Withdrawal by the hotel

If the service to be provided by the Sonnenberg Health Hotel under the contract is made substantially more difficult or impossible in whole or in part by force majeure or other circumstances for which the hotel is not responsible, the Sonnenberg Health Hotel may withdraw from the contract in whole or in part without compensation to the extent of the part of the contract that has not yet been fulfilled. The Sonnenberg Health Hotel is also entitled to withdraw without compensation if there is reason to believe that the events could endanger the smooth operation of the business, the security or the reputation of the Sonnenberg Health Hotel in the public eye, or if the customer violates
the terms and conditions. The Sonnenberg Health Hotel expressly reserves the right to claim damages from the customer.

Food and beverages

Food and beverages must be purchased from the Sonnenberg Health Hotel. In exceptional cases and only with the consent of the Sonnenberg Health Hotel, the organizer may transfer the catering or individual products to a third party, whereby the Sonnenberg Health Hotel will charge a service fee or corkage. The organizer shall announce the final menu and wine selection no later than 14 days before the event.

Cancellation of the reservation / cancellation fees

Cancellation of the reservation requires the written consent of the hotel. If this is not given, the agreed price must be paid even if the guest does not make use of the contractual services. In the event of a no-show, 100% of the booked services will be charged.

The date on which the hotel receives the guest's written cancellation is decisive for the calculation of the cancellation fee. This applies to letters, faxes and e-mails. If the guest withdraws from the contract without an authorized cancellation or if certain reserved services are reordered or canceled, the hotel may charge the following cancellation fees.


Cancellation fees: individual reservations

The guest may withdraw from the contract without incurring any costs up to and including 72 hours before the agreed date of arrival (arrival time 2:00 p.m.).

After 72 hours before arrival, 100% of the booked services will be charged.

Group reservations

The cancellation fees below apply if more than 10% of the services booked by a group (see section 3) are canceled.
If the cancellation is made between 16 and 30 working days before the date of arrival, 50% of the total amount will be charged.

If the cancellation is made between 8 and 15 working days before the date of arrival, 75% of the total amount will be charged. If the cancellation is made 7 working days before the date of arrival, 100% of the total amount will be charged.

The Sonneberg Health Hotel is liable to the customer for intentional or grossly negligent contractual or non-contractual damage. The burden of proof of fault lies with the customer. Liability for damage caused by slight negligence and liability regardless of fault is excluded.

The Sonnenberg Health Hotel declines all liability for theft and damage to items, clothing or materials brought by the customer, organizer, speakers, participants or third parties. This also applies to vehicles parked in the hotel car park.
The customer is liable to the Sonnenberg Health Hotel for all damages and losses caused by him or his assistants, guests or participants, without us having to prove fault on the part of the customer. The tenant is in any case liable for all damages or for gross soiling of the rooms, the furniture and the technical objects.

If the Sonnenberg Health Hotel procures technical equipment or other services from third parties for the organizer, it does so on behalf of and for the account of the organizer. The organizer undertakes to reimburse us for all expenses and uses that the Sonnenberg Health Hotel has made in the proper execution of the order and to release the Sonnenberg Health Hotel from any liabilities incurred. The organizer is liable for the careful treatment and proper return of the technical equipment rented on his behalf.

The organizer is responsible for insuring the event and any materials brought in (goods brought in). The Sonnenberg Health Hotel may request proof of this insurance.

Final provisions

Amendments to the GTC Amendments and additions to the GTC by Sonnenberg Health Hotel GmbH are permissible at any time. Amendments and additions to a contract or a reservation confirmation shall always be made in writing if possible. Unilateral amendments or additions are invalid. By signing the contract/reservation confirmation or unilaterally confirming a booking, the customer accepts the GTC. Provisions in the contract take precedence over the provisions in these GTC.

Place of jurisdiction / applicable law

These GTC are subject in their entirety to Swiss law. For any disputes arising from this contract, the place of jurisdiction is Herisau, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, provided that no other legally binding place of jurisdiction exists. Swiss law applies exclusively to all contractual, reservation and any additional agreements and general conditions. The place of performance and payment is the registered office of the hotel.
The written confirmation must be received by the hotel by 5 p.m. on the last day of the option period.

Data protection

The data protection provisions can be found in a separate document. This can be accessed online at

These GTC are subject to Swiss law, in particular the provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations.
The place of jurisdiction is Schwellbrunn AR.

If you have any questions about our terms and conditions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

BioMed Center Sonnenber AG
Sonnenberg 16
CH-9103 Schwellbrunn AR
Phone:  +41 71 353 36 00
