
By public transport

By train, you travel from Zurich Airport, Zurich HB in about one hour directly to Herisau. Bus line No. 171 will take you directly from Herisau train station to Schwellbrunn village. From there it is a 5 minute walk to the hotel. 


By car

On the A1 freeway, take exit 80 in the direction of SG-Winkeln / Herisau / Gossau. Continue in the direction of Herisau / Zentrum / Degersheim and towards Schwägalp. At the entrance to Schwellbrunn, after a hairpin bend, you will find the Sonnenberg Health Hotel. 


Shuttle Service

It is possible to book a shuttle service in advance. For the request for an airport transfer, we are looking forward to your direct inquiry.


Phone: +41 71 353 36 00